O descarte inadequado de pilhas e baterias usadas e os impactos socioambientais provocados pela ação do consumidor






O presente artigo objetiva ressaltar aspectos relacionados ao contexto histórico da origem das pilhas e baterias, assim como suas aplicações e o impacto que pode ocorrer devido sua utilização e descarte incorreto. Pretende-se  apresentar a toxicidade dos metais pesados e as consequências da exposição do ser humano e do meio ambiente a estes metais. Foram abordados aspectos da legislação brasileira sobre pilhas e baterias, medidas de conscientização, e a implementação do sistema de logística reversa de forma integrada e estratégica. Desta forma, é possível criar um sincronismo entre todos os subsistemas organizacionais (produtor/consumidor/produtor). Neste sentido, o trabalho mostra a importância dos fabricantes disponibilizarem  locais apropriados para coleta de pilhas e baterias de modo que tenham uma  destinação final adequada. Não se pode isentar os fabricantes da sua responsabilidade pelos procedimentos de reutilização, reciclagem, tratamento e/ou disposição final ambientalmente adequada tais produtos, conforme definido nas leis específicas para estes processos.


Palavras-chave: Pilhas e baterias. Impacto ambiental. Legislação. Logística Reversa.















The present article aims at emphasizing aspects related to the historical context of the origin of batteries as well as its applications and the impact that may occur due to its use and improper disposal. It is intended to present the toxicity of heavy metals and the consequences of human and environment exposure to these metals. Issues of Brazilian legislation on batteries, awareness measures and the implementation of reverse logistic were addressed in an integrated and strategic way. In this way, it is possible to create a synchronism between all organizational subsystems (producer/consumer/producer). In this sense, the study shows the importance of manufacturers to provide appropriate locations for collection of batteries so that they have a better final destination. Manufacturers cannot be exempted from their product liability for reusing procedures, recycling, treatment and/or final disposal environmentally appropriate for such products, as defined in the specific laws to these processes.


Key words: Batteries. Environmental impact. Legislation. Reverse Logistics.















The present article aims at emphasizing aspects related to the historical context of the origin of batteries as well as its applications and the impact that may occur due to its use and improper disposal. It is intended to present the toxicity of heavy metals and the consequences of human and environment exposure to these metals. Issues of Brazilian legislation on batteries, awareness measures and the implementation of reverse logistic were addressed in an integrated and strategic way. In this way, it is possible to create a synchronism between all organizational subsystems (producer/consumer/producer). In this sense, the study shows the importance of manufacturers to provide appropriate locations for collection of batteries so that they have a better final destination. Manufacturers cannot be exempted from their product liability for reusing procedures, recycling, treatment and/or final disposal environmentally appropriate for such products, as defined in the specific laws to these processes.


Key words: Batteries. Environmental impact. Legislation. Reverse Logistics.



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